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John H.

Lead Carpenter

John has been a team member of CHART since 2007, contributing to the construction sector for over 35 years and continually refining his skills across various facets of the renovation industry.

John H.

I have been in the construction industry for over 35 years, starting out as a bricklayer apprentice. I then moved on to the framing of houses and carpentry work. I have always enjoyed doing my own renovations and I have never been afraid to learn or try something new. Over the years, I have been able to gain experience and hone my skills in various aspects of the renovation industry. My favourite aspect of renovations is trim carpentry, but there is no greater pleasure than seeing the transformation of a project from beginning to end.In my spare time, I enjoy watching hockey games, dirt biking, and of course, doing renovations in my own home.

Unleash your home's potential

Whether building a new home or revitalizing your current space, CHART is dedicated to making your house your dream home.

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