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Braeden H.


Influenced by his Carpenter Grandfather's values, Braeden completed Conestoga College's Renovation Technology program. He has over a decade of hands-on carpentry experience specializing in framing and outdoor structures.

Braeden H.

My Carpenter Grandfather instilled in me the values of craftsmanship and hard work. Having successfully completed the Renovation Technology program at Conestoga College, I now bring with me over a decade of hands-on experience in the field of carpentry, with a specialized focus on framing and the intricate construction of outdoor structures.

Apart from my love for carpentry, I enjoy playing hockey, softball, and cornhole, and I always jump at the chance to work outdoors. Right now, I'm looking to expand my skills with finish work and I'm loving the camaraderie with the other carpenters at CHART.

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Whether building a new home or revitalizing your current space, CHART is dedicated to making your house your dream home.

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